



Given a 10 digit Telephone Number, we have to print all possible strings created from that. The mapping of the numbers is the one as exactly on a phone's keypad.

i.e. for 1,0-> No Letter for 2-> A,B,C

So for example, 1230 ADG BDG CDG AEG....

Whats the best solution in c/c++ to this problem?

+1  A: 

I think a recursive solution would be good for this one. So something like:

def PossibleWords(numberInput, cumulative, results):
    if len(numberInput) == 0:
        num = numberInput[0]
        rest = numberInput[1:]
        possibilities = mapping[num]
        if len(possibilities) == 0:
            PossibleWords(rest, cumulative, results)
            for p in possibilities:
                PossibleWords(rest, cumulative + p, results)

result = []
PossibleWords('1243543', '', result)
Did you mean to pass results as the 3rd parameter of the recursive call to PossibleWords()?
Can you give an example in c or c++?
You only asked for a good solution to this problem. Why would you need a specific example in c or c++ if this isn't a homework question? Python is as close as you'll get to pseudocode. I recommend working it out yourself.
I have a job interview in 2 days. This is not a homework
@Suppressingfire - Thanks! Yeah, there were a few problems with the initial code. I've tested it now, and all seems to work well.
@Ari: so are you planning on faking your way through a job with SO too?
No. I am expecting similar type of questions and i just wanted a good example in c or c++ on how to solve this type of question. i know i can make mappings like:one[] = "";two[] = "A,B,C";three[] = "D,E,F";i am confused what to do after mapping when i am parsing the phone number.Believe me pals....i am not kidding around here......its a long time i am not in touch with c/c++ coding.

You're looking at 10 digits, with 3 or 4 letters per digit (assuming no 0s or 1s). 3**10 combinations = 59049 combinations minimum, more if you allow Q and Z. That's going to be a lot of paper, no matter how you do it.

Craig Trader
This is not an answer to the question.
Alexsander Akers
+1  A: 

No need to go recursive. Here is an example of an iterative approach to start with. It prints out all the possibilities, but you may not entirely like its behaviour. The catch is left for the reader to discover ;-)

string tab[10]={"","","abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"};
string s="1201075384"; //input string

for(int mask=0;mask<1048576;mask++)//4^10, trying all the posibilities
  int m=mask;
  string cur="";
  for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++,m/=4)  
    if (m%4<tab[s[i]-'0'].size())
Why was this down voted, can anyone elaborate?