Is there a way to transfer ownership of the data contained in a std::vector (pointed to by, say T*data) into another construct, preventing having "data" become a dangling pointer after the vector goes out of scope?
EDIT: I DON'T WANT TO COPY THE DATA (which would be an easy but ineffective solution).
Specifically, I'd like to have something like:
template<typename T>
T* transfer_ownership(vector<T>&v){
...//<--I'd like to make v's capacity 0 without freeing data
int main(){
...//grow v dynamically
...//do something useful with data (user responsible for freeing it later)
// for example mxSetData(mxArray*A,double*data) from matlab's C interface
The only thing that comes to my mind to emulate this is:
vector<double>*v=new vector<double>();
//grow *v...
and then data will later either be freed or (in my case) used as mxSetData(mxArray*A,double*data). However this results in a small memory leak (data struct for handling v's capacity, size, etc... but not the data itself of course).
Is it possible without leaking ?