I am using Subversion with Apache and want a normal user (i.e. non-root) to be able to create new repositories. I thought this would be easy enough to do using a parent directory with group www-data and the group sticky bit set. Unfortunately "svnadmin create ..." leaves only its db directory with the sticky group not set. How can I get around this? This causes "permission denied" errors when attempting to commit through Apache.
I have got this to work with a "only root can create repositories" policy as root can just chown the files when done. But thats not what I want.
Here is a trace of my test:
ctndocs@beta:~$ ll -d svn
drwsrwsr-x 6 ctndocs www-data 4096 2009-11-14 18:27 svn
ctndocs@beta:~$ cd svn
ctndocs@beta:~/svn$ umask
ctndocs@beta:~/svn$ mkdir test
ctndocs@beta:~/svn$ svnadmin create test
ctndocs@beta:~/svn$ ls -l test
total 24
drwxrwsr-x 2 ctndocs www-data 4096 2009-11-14 18:31 conf
drwxrwxr-x 6 ctndocs www-data 4096 2009-11-14 18:31 db
-r--r--r-- 1 ctndocs www-data 2 2009-11-14 18:31 format
drwxrwsr-x 2 ctndocs www-data 4096 2009-11-14 18:31 hooks
drwxrwsr-x 2 ctndocs www-data 4096 2009-11-14 18:31 locks
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ctndocs www-data 229 2009-11-14 18:31 README.txt
Note the lack of an "s" on the db directory. All the others are ok.