.net 2.0 aspx app / IIS6 creating a silly number of threads in w3wp.exe process app pool.
The app has been isolated to its own app pool with the following settings:
recycle worker processses (in minutes) : 870 recycle worker process (no of requests): (not ticked) recycle worker processes at the following times: 00:00 max virtual memory: (not ticked) max used memory (in mb): 1000mb (1gb)
shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in mins): 20 limit the kernal request queue (number of requests): 1000 enable cpu monitoring (%): 85 refresh cpu usage numbers (in mins): 5 action performed when cpu usage exceeds maximum cpu uses: NO ACTION (keeps sessions) max number of worker processes: 1
enable pinging (checked) ping worker process every (seconds) : 30 enable rapid fail protection (checked) failures: 5 time period (in mins):5 start time limit - worker process must startup within (seconds): 90 shutdown time limit - worker process must shutdown within (seconds): 90
Normal running would see the w3wp.exe process utilise 300MB ram and 50 therads. When my problem occurs the thread count slowly increases to 10,000 , ram to 1GB before the threads are knocked back to 0. The w3wp.exe process is NOT shutdown and my users are not logged out (crucially), ie they keep their session and dont have to log back in . Altough the standard 50 threads are killed in amongst the 10, 000 rouge threads.
1) Can an expert offer any pros/cons on the above app pool settings ?
2) The "max used mem" setting appears to be doing the trick to automatiaclly handle this issue (by killing the threads, keeping the session alive , but can someone explain why ? ... i take it threads are unrelated to the session).
The app uses server based sessions but we store a local cookie for authentication.