




i have naming problems with two of my functions

  • i've got a function is_void that returns true if the argument is "empty" (in some sense). How would you call an opposite function? isnt_void? is_set? is_not_void?

  • i have a pair of functions, the first one installs a handler to catch errors in the subsequent code and the second removes this handler. install_error_handler/remove_error_handler looks too long and ugly, i'd prefer a pair of short verbs (like watch/unwatch).

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the answers so far

UPDATED: I need a function for "isn't void" because it's going to be used like

the second one cannot be simply "register" or "install", because it's used without arguments.

+3  A: 

I'm not entirely sure why you need a different fuction for #1; if it's not void, then is_void would return false.

For #2, if you're passing an error handler into the method; Install/Uninstall should be sufficient.

Jim B
Thanks for the reply, but see my comments to the post
Cool, I'm still not completely sold on #1; couldn't you do something like this:!is_void())As for 2; i think you're stuck with install/remove_error_handler
Jim B
+1  A: 

To answer the first part of your question: as a rule, I avoid negatives in function names. Something like:

IsNotVoid( String s )

may seem harmless enough, but invariably, you're going to do something like

if ( ! IsNotVoid( s ) && ! IsNotVoid( t ) )

... which is going to make the next programmer think way too hard for not being able to immediately discern your intent.

Bob Kaufman
+1  A: 

The test functions are a good idea. However, I'd warn against using negative naming because that invites double (or more) negative logic if (not is_not_void(a)). A simple not operator should suffice: if (not is_void(a)).

Ewan Todd
+1  A: 

In general, try to (1) minimize the number of interface functions and (2) provide precise and consistent names.

In the case of naming the not is_void() case, the first principle tells us to not have the function exist at all since the user can always negate the boolean return. In other words, is_void() is a constraint checking function, it is up to the caller to decide to explicitly negate the constraint as necessary.

The install_... and remove_... case is where the second principle applies. The problem with short verbs is that they are very ambiguous but it is not always possible to remove ambiguity through naming. What is most important is that they are as descriptive as possible and that you apply some consistent method. If you use watch_... and unwatch_..., use them consistently. Don't have watch_errors alongside observe_warnings. The inconsistency will cause users to look for reasons for the naming difference.

Personally, I prefer install_..._handler and uninstall_..._handler or add_observer with a filter condition over watch_condition and unwatch_condition simply because unwatch does not look like a real word to my eyes.

+1  A: 

From your update I assume you mean you need a pointer to the method. I always try to use names to be as clear as possible, so I would ask myself first what the meaning of is_void is. From your text I would propose is_empty, is_not_set or is_nothing instead of is_void the opposites could be is_not_empty, is_set or is_something, the last one sound a bit funny but would probably come close to the meaning in your code.

I don't think you have to guard against overly verbose naming, you have to watch out for overly terse naming as that often is a source for ambiguity.

As for the install_error_handler and uninstall_error_handler, if these names describe the purpose correctly I would keep them. If not try to describe what their meaning is in terms of your code (guard, protect, lock...)
