
One method of making the parameters a little more friendly without writing fully custom routes is

# docs_controller.rb
def show
  @doc = Doc.find(params[:doc].to_i)

# doc.rb
def to_param
  [ id, permalink ].join("-")
  # assumes you're storing a permalink formatted version of the name of your doc

# routes.rb
map.resources :docs

This will give you URLs that look something like example.com/docs/234-the-name-of-your-doc

I see after posting that I'm not exactly answering your question. Rails does not have the functionality you're looking for built-in, the defaults of params[:id] pointing to the current resource is still the way to go. Parent records get the params[:parent_id] for consistency. For global filters outside the current resource, why not just pass the appropriate variable as a parameter to the filter?
yes, that's right, thanks bensie. but still, this thing about don't give you the possibility to change the resource key its kind of pointless isn't it? What would be the cons in this situation?I dont get it :\