
How to configure defaults for a parameter with multiple values for a Maven plugin

I'm writing a Maven plugin and I am using default values for all parameters such as this: /** * The file with the site structure. * * @parameter expression="${generateSite.siteFile}" default-value="${basedir}/src/oda/site.xml" */ private File siteFile; Now I am adding a new parameter which is a collection. Is there a way to set d...

Rails RESTful Routes: override params[:id] or params[:model_id] defaults

Hello, I'm trying to understand how to change this rule directly on the map.resources: supposing I have a route: map.resource :user, :as => ':user', :shallow => true do |user| user.resources :docs, :shallow => true do |file| file.resources :specs end end so I would have RESTful routes like this: /:user/docs /docs/:i...

Context-Dependent Model Defaults in Rails from link_to

What's the standard for applying default values to Rails models from links? Here's the situation: There is a model in Spree called ProductGroup, which is a collections of settings defining how to find a Product (based on a bunch of property values you set). I want to be able to use this structure for defining common ProductGroups: E...

Python ConfigParser lists defaults for variable substitution as if they were part of config values

I'm using ConfigParser to load in data from a configuration file as follows: test.conf: [myfiles] fileone: %(datadir)s/ filetwo: %(datadir)s/ import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({'datadir': '/tmp'})'test.conf') print config.items('myfiles') print config.get('myfile...

Storing Hidden Values in HTML (for tooltip, error, defaults) Best Practices

I just saw this JQuery Metadata Plugin by John Resig, Yehuda Katz, Jarn Zaefferer, and Paul McLanahan, in my search for JQuery Form Validation, and that's an interesting idea! I'm wondering what general best practices are for storing things like error/validation text, tooltip text, default value text, etc. I know you can place them int...

Where is the default language data stored in OS 10.6

From a shell in 10.4 or 10.5, I was able to do this: /usr/bin/defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages To get the list of the language preference for that particular machine. This was done so that I could restore it back to that list after changing it with the 'defaults write' command to something else (in order to help automate l1...

Force maximum width and height for PHPThumb images

PHPThumb provides two great variables setting the output maximum width and height BUT "This is always overridden by ?w=_ GETstring parameter" $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['output_maxwidth'] = 720; $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['output_maxheight'] = 720; You can also set defaults, and for landscape/portrait: $PHPTHUMB_DEFAULTS['w'] = 720; $PHPTHUMB_DEFAULT...

What are the defaults(homepage,controller,etc..) for cakePhp?

Hi, I understood (more or less) the separation between the MVC parts in cakePhp, however i cannot understand what are the defaults. meaning: What should i edit in order to change the root-entry-point of my site(the known "index.html" or "index.php" file, that shouldn't be changed in cake)? What controller? What model? What view? What ...

function name($param, $line = __LINE__, $file = __FILE__) {};

Hi there, Is it possible to have a function automatically contain the line number and the file that the function was CALLED in, as if i call __LINE__ or __FILE__ in the function it will use the line and file the function definition is in. but i dont want to have to pass __LINE__ and __FILE__ into the function every time. so if i set ...

Enable/Disable Fn keys from the command line on the Mac

I hardly ever use the function keys on my macbook pro. I mostly just use them for volume, brightness, etc. Now that I've started playing Starcraft 2 a bunch, I want to use them without having to press the fn key down. I want to write a little shell script that will flip the "Use all F1, F2, etc keys as standard function keys" check box...

counteracting existing styles

I have a div with a padding, created and styled by Javascript. This div is created on a page with the following CSS rule: div { width: 100%; } This messes up, as it changes the width of my created div to what it naturally would be PLUS its padding (so I end up with buttons outside of the div borders). I can't statically set div wi...