Here's some sample code. First, for a nice title bar, look here:
To display a battery strength image:
import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
import net.rim.device.api.system.DeviceInfo;
public static Bitmap getBatteryImage(){
int batteryPercent = DeviceInfo.getBatteryLevel();
int val = 1;
if(batteryPercent > 80){
val = 5;
}else if(batteryPercent > 60 ){
val = 4;
}else if(batteryPercent > 40){
val = 3;
}else if(batteryPercent > 20){
val = 2;
}else {
val = 1;
Bitmap batteryImage = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("mybattery"+val+".png");
return batteryImage;
You need to create images mybattery1.png to mybattery5.png, and place them in your src folder. A good size to start with is 28x11 pixels (GIMP is a good free image editor). If you used the title bar code from, then insert the following code in the paint method, like so:
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
int w = this.getPreferredWidth();
int h = this.getPreferredHeight();
Bitmap batteryImage = getBatteryImage();
int batteryStartY = (h - batteryImage.getHeight()) / 2;
graphics.drawBitmap(w - batteryImage.getWidth(), batteryStartY, w, h,
batteryImage, 0, 0);
Some things to note: the image(s) do not refresh unless you invalidate the screen or push/pop to another screen. Also, you may want smaller images for a Pearl vs. a Curve or Storm.