Howdy! I'm working on an old project from one of my programming courses and having some issues tracking down which line in my code is causing a syntax error.
When I attempt to compile the code, Visual Studio tells me that there is a syntax error towards the end of main on the line containing this function call:
sortData(carray, numRec, sortby);
I dont think that's the case, because commenting out that call only moves the error to the next line of code.
I can't tell what is causing the error and am hoping a veteran eye could help.
I've include all of the code as I suspect the error is being caused in one of the function calls.
P.S. Also - Does anyone know if the compiler compiles top to bottom or whether it actually follows function calls during the compile process?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//customer struct
struct customer
int id;
string fname, lname;
double totalQuantity, totalPurchases, totalProfit;
//Error Codes
const int INPUT_FILE_DATA_ERROR = 3;
//Global Constants
const int arraySize = 200;
const int numType = 5; //# of the types of coffee we currently offer
//Coffee prices per pound
const double colombWhole = 3.75;
const double colombRetail = 4.85;
const double konaWhole = 4.25;
const double konaRetail = 5.25;
const double ethiopWhole = 4.30;
const double ethiopRetail = 5.75;
const double jamaWhole = 5.25;
const double jamaRetail = 7.75;
const double brazWhole = 4.65;
const double brazRetail = 5.90;
//Function prototypes
int readData (ifstream &infile, customer carray[], int size);
//PRE: The address of the ifstream object, the addres of the array of customer structs and the size of
// the array is passed in
//POST: All of the customer data is read in AND the totalQuantity, totalPurchases and totalProfit for
// each customer is calculated. The number of records read is returned.
void sortData (customer carray[], int recordcount, int sortfield);
//PRE: The address of the array of customers, the number of customer records in the array and the field
// on which to be sorted is passed into the function.
//POST: The array is sorted on the basis of the specified field in ascending order
int findMax (const customer carray[], int startRange, int recordcount, int sortfield);
//PRE: The address of the array of customers, the field to sort on and a range of values is passed in
//POST: The address of the largest value is returned
int main()
//Array of customer structs
customer crecords[arraySize];
//Initialize the members of our struct to zero
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
crecords[i].totalProfit = 0;
crecords[i].totalPurchases = 0;
crecords[i].totalQuantity = 0;
//Declare filestream objects
ifstream ifile;
ofstream ofile1, ofile2, ofile3;
//user responses
char pquit = 'Y';
char specAnother;
int sortby;
string ifilename;
//Ask user for name of input file
cout << "Please enter the name of the input file: " ;
cin >> ifilename;
//Attempt to open the input file;
while (
cout << endl << "The input file could not be found. Would you like to specify "
<< "another file?" << endl << "(Enter Y or N):";
cin >> specAnother; //Ask user if they want to specify another
if (specAnother == 'N' || specAnother == 'n')
cout << endl << "Please enter the name of the new input file: " ;
cin >> ifilename;
ifile.clear(); //Clear the flags, else the input file fail flag will perpetually return true;
//File opened successfully, let's begin reading in data and also keep track of the # of
//records read
int numRec = readData(ifile, crecords, arraySize);
cout << "Finished reading " << numRec << " records" << endl;
//Ask user how they would like to sort the data for the report
cout << endl << "What would you like to sort on?" << endl;
cout << "1) Sort by POUNDS bought" << endl
<< "2) Sort by PURCHASE AMOUNT" << endl
<< "3) Sort by PROFIT" << endl;
cin >> sortby;
if (sortby > 3 || sortby < 1)
cout << "You entered an invalid sorting method, try again" << endl
<< "Enter an option:";
cin >> sortby;
cout << "You entered " << sortby << endl;
//Sort Data
sortData(carray, numRec, sortby);
return 0;
//Function Definitions
int readData (ifstream &infile, customer carray[], int size)
int x = 0, coffeeType, quantity;
double currentSale, internalCost, profitOnSale;
while (infile >> carray[x].id && x < size)
infile >> carray[x].fname >> carray[x].lname;
while (infile >> coffeeType && coffeeType != 0)
infile >> quantity;
case 1:
carray[x].totalQuantity += quantity;
currentSale = quantity * colombRetail;
carray[x].totalPurchases += currentSale;
internalCost = quantity * colombWhole;
profitOnSale = currentSale - internalCost;
carray[x].totalProfit += profitOnSale;
case 2:
carray[x].totalQuantity += quantity;
currentSale = quantity * konaRetail;
carray[x].totalPurchases += currentSale;
internalCost = quantity * konaWhole;
profitOnSale = currentSale - internalCost;
carray[x].totalProfit += profitOnSale;
case 3:
carray[x].totalQuantity += quantity;
currentSale = quantity * ethiopRetail;
carray[x].totalPurchases += currentSale;
internalCost = quantity * ethiopWhole;
profitOnSale = currentSale - internalCost;
carray[x].totalProfit += profitOnSale;
case 4:
carray[x].totalQuantity += quantity;
currentSale = quantity * jamaRetail;
carray[x].totalPurchases += currentSale;
internalCost = quantity * jamaWhole;
profitOnSale = currentSale - internalCost;
carray[x].totalProfit += profitOnSale;
case 5:
carray[x].totalQuantity += quantity;
currentSale = quantity * brazRetail;
carray[x].totalPurchases += currentSale;
internalCost = quantity * brazWhole;
profitOnSale = currentSale - internalCost;
carray[x].totalProfit += profitOnSale;
cout <<"The input file contains an undeclared coffee type at record " << x
<<"Program terminating!" << endl;
//return exit(INPUT_FILE_DATA_ERROR);
x++; //At this point, we have encountered our sentinel value of 0 that indicates the end of our
//customer record. Let's move on to the next customer.
return x;
int findMax (const customer carray[], int startRange, int recordcount, int sortfield)
int maxLoc = startRange;
case 1:
for (int i = startRange + 1; i <= recordcount; i++)
if (carray[maxLoc].totalQuantity < carray[i].totalQuantity)
maxLoc = i;
case 2:
for (int i = startRange + 1; i <= recordcount; i++)
if (carray[maxLoc].totalPurchases < carray[i].totalPurchases)
maxLoc = i;
case 3:
for (int i = startRange + 1; i <= recordcount; i++)
if (carray[maxLoc].totalProfit < carray[i].totalProfit)
maxLoc = i;
return maxLoc;
void sortData (customer carray[], int recordcount, int sortfield)
for (int i = 0; i < recordcount ; i++)
int max = findMax(carray, i, recordcount, sortfield);
swap(carray[i], carray[max]);