What are you looking for -- all (the countable infinity of) possible solutions? The "shortest" (by some measure) non-empty solution, or the set of equal-shortest ones, or...?
Because, if any solution will do, setting U and V both to [] meets all the stated conditions, and is O(1) to boot;-).
Edit: ok, so, joking apart, here's a nicely symmetrical solution to print the first ten of the countably-infinite non-empty solutions:
import itertools as it
import collections
L = ['a', 'ab', 'bba']
M = ['baa', 'aa', 'bb']
def cmbs(L=L, M=M):
Ucans = collections.defaultdict(list)
Vcans = collections.defaultdict(list)
sides = (L, Vcans, Ucans), (M, Ucans, Vcans)
for i in it.count(1):
for k, (G, Ocans, Tcans) in enumerate(sides):
for u in it.product(G, repeat=i):
j = ''.join(u)
if j in Ocans:
for samp in Ocans[j]:
result = samp, u
yield result[1-k], result[k]
if __name__ == '__main__':
for x, y in it.islice(cmbs(), 10):
print x, y, ''.join(x), ''.join(y)
which emits
('a', 'a') ('aa',) aa aa
('bba', 'a') ('bb', 'aa') bbaa bbaa
('a', 'a', 'a', 'a') ('aa', 'aa') aaaa aaaa
('a', 'a', 'bba', 'a') ('aa', 'bb', 'aa') aabbaa aabbaa
('a', 'ab', 'a', 'a') ('aa', 'baa') aabaa aabaa
('a', 'ab', 'bba', 'a') ('aa', 'bb', 'baa') aabbbaa aabbbaa
('bba', 'a', 'a', 'a') ('bb', 'aa', 'aa') bbaaaa bbaaaa
('bba', 'ab', 'a', 'a') ('bb', 'aa', 'baa') bbaabaa bbaabaa
('bba', 'ab', 'bba', 'a') ('bb', 'aa', 'bb', 'baa') bbaabbbaa bbaabbbaa
('bba', 'a', 'bba', 'a') ('bb', 'aa', 'bb', 'aa') bbaabbaa bbaabbaa
I'm not sure what's meant by O(N) in the context of a problem with countably infinite solutions -- what's N supposed to be here?!-)
Edit 2: changed to use (default)dicts of lists to ensure it finds all solutions even when the same joined-string can be made in > 1 ways from one of the input collections (a condition which did not occur in the sample input, so the sample output is unaffected); for example, if L is ['a', 'aa']
clearly any joined string with > 1 a
can be made in multiple ways -- the current solution will emit all of those multiple ways when such a joined string matches one made for M, while the previous one just emitted one of them.