I have two windows/tabs set up to run in Terminal.app, "syd" and "mel". i.e. in Shell | New Window, "syd" and "mel" are listed. How can I open these terminal configurations with AppleScript?
Should be something like this:
tell application "Finder"
open file "MyDisk:Users:myhome:Library:Application Support:Terminal:myconfig.terminal"
end tell
2009-11-25 14:55:03
I'm on Snow Leopard (10.6) and I don't have a `~/Library/Application Support/Terminal` directory--did that change? The config seems to be in `~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist` now.
2009-11-26 22:47:27
Must have; I don't have a SL machine to see. There's http://iterm.sourceforge.net/ as a Terminal replacement that supports applescript, tabs, bookmarks.
2009-11-27 14:47:32