



I'm primarily interested in pgsql for this, but I was wondering if there is a way in any RDBMS to do an insert operation, without disabling and re-enabling any FOREIGN KEY or NOT NULL constraints, on two tables that refer to each other. (You might think of this as a chicken that was somehow born from its own egg.)

For a practical example, if you had a multiple-choice quiz system, with tables "question" and "answer", where question.correct_answer refers to, and answer.question refers to, is it possible to add a question and its answers simultaneously?

(For the record, I'm aware that you can do the disabling and re-enabling in a transaction block, and that another solution is to not have a correct_answer column but instead have answer.correct as a boolean and have a check constraint making sure there's exactly one correct answer per question. But I'm not curious about alternative solutions here.)

+4  A: 

I think that you answered your own question - you have to make a transaction block. In PostgreSQL this should work:

INSERT INTO questions (questionid, answerid, question)
  VALUES (1, 100, 'How long are Abraham Lincoln\'s legs?');
INSERT INTO answers (answerid, questionid, answer)
  VALUES (100, 1, 'Long enough to reach the ground.');

It has to be in a transaction block because if either INSERT statement failed the database would be in an invalid state (table constraints not met).

I didn't know about "set constraints"--thanks!
The one problem with SET CONSTRAINTS in PostgreSQL is that it only defers foreign key constraints. For instance, you can't defer a NOT NULL constraint with it. In practice though, foreign key constraints are the most common.

I'd do it in the following way:

  1. Define Questions.correct_answer as a nullable column.
  2. Insert row into Questions, with correct_answer set to NULL.
  3. Insert row(s) into Answers, referencing the row in Questions.
  4. UPDATE Questions SET correct_answer = ?
Bill Karwin
Thanks for your answer, but I meant that it had to be such that it left the NOT NULL constraints intact.
Ok, fair enough, then Neall's answer is better, deferring constraint enforcement until the end of the transaction.
Bill Karwin

In the simple case of one question and one answer it is advisable to just put all attributes into one table.

David Schmitt