



Hello everyone, I am developing an SMS service application. At some point the user has to select the contacts he wants to send the SMS so he has 2 options. "Select all contacts" or "Select contacts".

I have some issues regarding on how to implement the "Select all contacts" method since I want to achieve the following functionality:

  • I need to grab all the contacts and iterate through all the the phone properties to match mobile phones against a file I have in Excel format with all the mobile prefixes for all countries.
  • I need to to display the contact name and mobile phone (if contact has mobile phones matched by the procedure described above) in an indexed tableview with an index list with all the latin alphabet letters A-Z and #. Non English/latin localized contacts should appear under the # index.

So what bothers me is:

  • How to efficiently store the mobile prefixes i have in Excel format so I can use them for matching mobile phones and how exactly should I perform the comparison between phone properties and mobile prefixes in order for this procedure to be efficient and fast.

  • What data stuctures should I use to prepair the indexed tableview datasource.

Please help me out with any ideas, code snippets and tips regarding this issue

Thanx to all!