




I'm having an issue with OPENXML in SQL Server 2005 where I'll get no results back if the XML doesn't have every tier available. An example would clear up my question:

So we have XML like this:

<Connection Name="DEFAULT" />'
    <Branch Name="A_Branch">
     <Leaf Name="A_Leaf.OP" >
       <Property Name="A_Property" />

And the OPENXML puts into into a table variable like this

INSERT INTO @xmlDataTable
 FROM OPENXML(@idoc, '/Connection/Branch/Leaf', 2)
  WITH (
     Connection varchar(100) '../../@Name'
   , Branch varchar(100) '../@Name'
   , Leaf varchar(100) '@Name'

And that works fine! But if you put this XML in:

<Connection Name="DEFAULT">

Then the OPENXML returns nothing, an empty row set.

So I'm really not sure what to do to fix that. I need to account for both scenarios, and the scenario with Branches but no leaves. Any thoughts?

+1  A: 

If you ask for /Connection/Branch/Leaf then you're going to get exactly what you ask for. The XML snipped you show must return an empty row set, anything else would e incorrect. If you want <connection name="DEFAULT"/> to return something, then ask for /Connection. If you want <connection name="DEFAULT"><branch name="A_Branch"/></connection> to return something, then ask for /Connection/Branch. And so on and so forth.

You can't expect a database to process a query in a manner like 'I couldn't find the row you asked for, but here is something else you may find interesting...'.

If you want /Connection/Branch/Leaf and /Connection/Branch and /Connection then ask for that, use multiple queries and UNION.

Remus Rusanu
Yes, I wasn't fully understanding how the XPath was working, so I realize now what the mistaken was. Thank you for your clarifications as well.