I've got code I've been working with to load and convert SDL_Surface
s to OpenGL textures, however I've realized that they only work with RGB(A) surfaces. I need to extend the support onto indexed mode images (with or without transparency).
Initially, I was looking into ::SDL_SetColorKey()
, however it seems to only work with SDL blits. I've read up on SDL_Surface
, SDL_PixelFormat
and SDL_Color
, and then begun to sketch up the following (//# is pseudocode):
SDL_Surface *pSurf(::IMG_Load(image));
Uint32 bytesPerPixel(pSurf->format->bytesPerPixel);
GLenum pixelFormat;
Uint8 *pixelData(pSurf->pixels);
bool allocated(false); // pixelData isn't allocated
if(pSurf->format->palette != 0) // indexed mode image
//# Determine transparency. // HOW?
//# bytesPerPixel = 3 or 4 depending on transparency being present;
//# pixelFormat = GL_RGB or GL_RGBA depending on bytesPerPixel;
Uint32 blockSize(pSurf->w * pSurf->h * bytesPerPixel);
pixelData = new Uint8[blockSize];
allocated = true;
//# traverse pSurf->pixels, look up pSurf->format->palette references and copy
// colors into pixelData;
//# Determine pixelFormat based on bytesPerPixel and pSurf->format->Rmask
// (GL_RGB(A) or GL_BGR(A)).
//# Pass bytesPerPixel, pixelFormat and pixelData to OpenGL (generate texture,
// set texture parameters, glTexImage2D etc).
delete[] pixelData;
pixelData = 0;
So, the question is: how can I determine if the indexed mode image I'm passing to this routine has transparency?