+1  A: 

Dates are problematic in JSON. Because there is no native Date type support in JSON, Dates must be represented using a number or string representation. How are you representing the Date objects in the JSON you're comparing against? If you use a consistent representation in your data and your query, and you choose a method which is comparable, this should work. "ISO" timestamps are best for a number of reasons (see dojo.date.stamp) and are most often used in JSON. Date.toString (what you're implicitly using by concatenating with "+" above) should be avoided, not being sortable and not even being consistent across browsers.

Thanks for your replyin json object I have the values as date objects "items":[{"effectiveDate":new Date(2009,11,12)}]//new Date(12/12/2009) is without the double quotes so that the grid gets a date object then the datagrid displays the date as --> Sat Dec 12 2009 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)So i guess it satisfies consistency you are talking about when I write the followng lines... right??var dt = new Date();jsonStore = new dojox.jsonPath.query(object,"[?(@.effectiveDate<" + dt + ")]");did not try ISO thing you suggested.. will try that and see if the query works.
What you describe is a JS Object, not a JSON string. JSON does not permit Date objects as values. JSON stringify routines may convert Dates using some scheme like ISO or perhaps just use toString by default, but I think what you describe is just passing in a JS Object to the Dojo Grid, sans JSON. You really do want to avoid the Date.toString for the reasons mentioned above and more (it's neither consistent, sortable nor localized) dojox.grid allows you to use formatters to present this information to the user. You should check that out. Also, you probably should use ISO for effectiveDate