I have a datagrid, populated as shown below. When the user clicks on a column header, I would like to sort the rows using a lexicographic sort in which the selected column is used first, then the remaining columns are used in left-to-right order to break any ties. How can I code this?
(I have one answer, which I'll post below, but it has a problem -- I'll be thrilled if somebody can provide a better one!)
Here's the layout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="absolute" creationComplete="onCreationComplete()">
<mx:Script source="GridCode.as" />
<mx:DataGrid id="theGrid" x="61" y="55" width="466" height="317">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="A"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="B"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="C"/>
And here's the backing code:
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.Sort;
import mx.collections.SortField;
import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
public function onCreationComplete():void
var ar:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var ob:Object;
for( var i:int=0; i<20; i++ )
ob = new Object();
ob["A"] = i;
ob["B"] = i%3;
ob["C"] = i%5;
this.theGrid.dataProvider = ar;