




Hi, I have literally the same problem, as described here http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/968-breakpoints-dealloc.html#post7406

Sorry for the quote, but the description is perfect.

Because my dealloc is also not called automatically, my question is, am I supposed to overwrite applicationWillFinish and call [self release] in order to not leave any leak?

Kind regards

+2  A: 

you don't need to worry about 'cleaning up' memory when your app quits; the OS will nuke your address space from orbit (it's the only way to be sure). If you have non-memory-related cleanup to do (perhaps save temp info to a file), that should go in applicationWillTerminate:. No need to call [self release].

Ben Gottlieb

Maybe iPhone OS just doesn't bother with calling dealloc because your app is going to terminate anyway? Any cleanup code should go in applicationWillTerminate, and you don't need to call [self release];.

Mike Weller
Hmm. Are you sure about this? The "iPhone 3 development book" is very emphatic on right dealloc behavior. They are doing every kind of cleanup in "dealloc".