




I'm developing on a Rails project that uses authlogic for authentication. And I have a part in that project that is realized with Flex, and I need to know how a user can be authenticated if he or she is logged in or not.

I've set up a webservice called UserSessionService and was trying to get the user who is logged in, but it doesn't work. If i try to get it with UserSession.find i just get a # as the result (and therefore thats always true).

Here the UserSessionService.rb require 'weborb/context' require 'rbconfig'

class UserSessionService def login UserSession.find end end

I tried to extend the UserSessionServie class from Authlogic::Session::Base, but that doesn't work too.

Anyone an idea?

thx, tux


I'm not familiar with Flex, but it seems you're looking for a remote authenticator. Here are some ideas:

  1. Make sure a user can "log in" on the Rails side, and all of that functionality works. You may want to start with, which is a really good starting place.

  2. Make a "TestController" with one action: #logged_in, which just prints "yes" or "no" based on whether you're logged in or not. Then go hit that in a browser - http://localhost:3000/test/logged%5Fin, and see what it says. Then you can try the same in your Flex app.

    class TestController < ApplicationController
      def logged_in
        render :text => current_user ? 'yes' : 'no'
  3. Throw up a debugger in your app where it checks whether they're logged in, and figure out why not. It's usually related to cookies. See for how to debug in Rails.

Please let me know how it goes!

Colin Curtin


thank you for your answer. The particular problem is, that I'm accessing the rails side with WebORB and so I only have the possibility to access the files in app/services/UserService.rb (for example).

In the Services that are provided by WebORB the functions of the Rails framework aren't accessible. I can't access the current_user function or any other function that is defined in the helpers.

Do you know how I can access that functions or access a controller through WebORB?

thx! tux

I'm not sure if this will be helpfull as I'm using WebORB for .NET, but in Flex you can setCredentials on a remoteObject. In WebORB.NET you can use an AuthenticationHandler to see who's logged in.
Lieven Cardoen
+1  A: 

I've made it now with an extra HTTPService in Flex that accesses a function in the UserSessions Controller. For more details, look at (sorry, only in german)

thx for your help! tux
