I have a simple XML structure:
<Receipt xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ReceiptID="0" UserID="0" UserCardID="0" PaymentMethodID="1" MerchantID="0" MerchantTaxID="MERCHANT_TAX_ID" MerchantReceiptID="MERCHANT_RECEIPT_ID" MerchantReceiptReferenceID="MERCHANT_RECEIPT_REF_ID" ReceiptTypeID="0" TransactionTypeID="2" MerchantReceiptDate="2009-12-10T18:01:14.2101141-07:00" Tax1PerCent="0" Tax2PerCent="0" Tax3PerCent="0" Tax1Total="0" Tax2Total="0" Tax3Total="0" TotalTax="5" Subtotal="100" ReceiptTotal="105" DateAdded="2009-12-10T18:01:14.2101141-07:00" MerchantStore="MERCHANT_STORE_NAME" StoreAddress1="228127 Long Street" StoreAddress2="" StoreCity="Los Angeles" StoreState="California" StoreZip="90212" StoreCountry="USA" StorePhone1="310-444-3333" StorePhone2="" StoreFax="310-333-2222" ReceiptHeader1="Test Receipt Header 1" ReceiptHeader2="Header 2" ReceiptHeader3="Header 3" ReceiptFooter1="Test Receipt Footer 1" ReceiptFooter2="Footer 2" ReceiptFooter3="Footer 3" ReceiptCreditCost="6" UserPaidForReceipt="false">
<Errors />
<ReceiptItem LineItemID="0" UserID="0" ReceiptID="0" MerchantItemID="111xxxTEST_ITEM_1" LineItemTypeID="1" ItemDesc1="Item 1 - Desc1: This is a test item purchased on a test receipt, line 1" ItemDesc2="Item 1 - Desc2: Item description, line 2" ItemDesc3="Item 1 - Desc3: Item description, line 3" Quantity="1" PricePerItem="50" LineItemTotal="50" DateAdded="2009-12-10T18:01:14.2101141-07:00">
<Errors />
<LineItemType LineItemTypeID="1" LineItemType="Purchase">
<Errors />
<ReceiptItem LineItemID="0" UserID="0" ReceiptID="0" MerchantItemID="111xxxTEST_ITEM_2" LineItemTypeID="1" ItemDesc1="Item 2 - Desc1: This is a test item purchased on a test receipt, line 1" ItemDesc2="Item 2 - Desc2: Item description, line 2" ItemDesc3="Item 2 - Desc3: Item description, line 3" Quantity="1" PricePerItem="25" LineItemTotal="25" DateAdded="2009-12-10T18:01:14.2101141-07:00">
<Errors />
<LineItemType LineItemTypeID="1" LineItemType="Purchase">
<Errors />
I'm sending the serialized stream to my sproc where I can grab individual values of what I need, like IDs, etc. However I want to iterate through all ReceiptItems, grabbing values and saving them to an ReceiptItems table.
Is there a simple way of creating a while loop to accomplish this?
Thank you.