I believe svn externals is what I want to use but would like some clarification on setting it up. I've never done so.
My environment is:
Mac 10.6.2
Subversion 10.6 (file based/single developer)
Single repository
My svn folder structure is:
\projects\projectX (.lib file)
\projects\projectY (images)
All projects have trunk, tags, and branches folders (just as Subversion suggest). Projects X & Y are really shared code. What I'm wanting to share in them are images and .lib files. For example, projectY will contains PSDs for images plus the product, which is a PNG. projectX will contain Xcode source files plus the product, which is a .lib file.
In projects A thru C, I want to reference the PNG and .lib files and would like to have the option of either referencing latest or a particular version, which I understand externals will do. projectY will contain all of its PNG files. However, projectX will output its .lib to a common build folder that all Xcode projects use.
If I create an external property from projectA to images in projectY, doesn't that mean all of projectY is an external, source code (PSDs) and all? I'm just interested in the PNGs.
Additionally, if I want to reference particular versions of the .lib file in projectX from projects B and C, how is that done since projectX outputs its .lib file to a common Xcode build folder?
When I update an image in projectX, how does projectA get the latest image? Just by doing an update?
If I put all of projectY's images into a product folder and only need three of its say 50 images in projectA, will all 50 still show up in projectA? Is that a performance issue?