



What kind of integration does trac have with subversion repositories?

Is it simply being able to view the source files or is there more to it?

+3  A: 

You can also place links to Subversion revision numbers in the tickets and wikis. When viewing a revision in Trac, it shows you a pretty view showing the files that changed as well as diffs. For our Subversion repository, we also have a post-commit hook that places comments in our tickets with the comments of the commits as well as a link to these revisions. That is pretty convenient for doing code reviews.

That's a pretty good overview of features. The integration is basically everything I could think of wanting from version control / bug tracker system integration.

I found it easier to work with my subversion client. We use TortoiseSVN and I wrote my own integrated client. See this link Here


Be aware that Trac won't even let you browse your repository if it happens to be on a remote server/share/location!

This is very limiting in many cases where you want your trac/subversion web server to be separate from the storage of your repository (on a NAS for example).

Here is the Trac ticket related to the issue if you need to know more : Ticket 493 It's been open for some time now, and is the main reason why I'm going to move to Redmine.


In addition to the ability to add the commit comment in the tickets, we have a post-commit hook that ensures we reference an open ticket in the comment--if not the commit fails.

Ron Warholic
Technically, the Trac pre-commit hook rejects a checkin that doesn't reference an open ticket. The Trac post-commit hook inserts the log message as a comment in a ticket.Its a subtle, but important distinction. A post-commit hook cannot reject a checkin since it runs "post-commit".