



I wrote a quick test app to use the google analytics scripts in a client app. It works fine using QWebView and

QWebFrame* pFrame = m_pWebView->page()->mainFrame();

But no matter what I do I cannot get it to release memory. Every time I call the script it keeps adding to memory used in the process. I even try delete m_pWebView and the memory usage is still there. I also tried the QWebSettings::clearMemoryCaches() call and it did not work.

Is this a memory leak or is there some other magic I can use to get it to not consume all the PC's memory.


I'm having the exact same problem. I built a test app that would call setUrl(QtCore.QtUrl('')) every time the loadFinished(bool) signal is triggered, and very quickly the memory consumption goes up the roof.

If you happen to find a way to fix this, please let me know.

How about you guys report this on the Qt bug tracker?