



I am using the Flex SDK within visual studio and trying to dynamically add a button to the stage. Here is a quick example of what I am doing.

public class Test extends Sprite
 public function Test()

 private function init():void

  var btnBrowse:Button = new Button();          
  btnBrowse.label = "Browse";
  btnBrowse.x = 0;
  btnBrowse.y = 0;

Nothing seems to show up and the screen is still empty. I am importing mx.controls.* for the button. Could that create an issue since I am not using mxml only as3?

+1  A: 

You can't use Flex framework controls in an AS3 Only project. If you are trying to avoid MXML then just create a new Flex Project where the root tag is like:

<FooApplication xmlns="*"/>

And create a new AS3 Class like:

package {

import mx.core.Application;

public class FooApplication extends Application {

// now override something like createChildren to add a button.

James Ward
If I understand you right then my options for as3 only are I have to either create a sprite and draw my own button or create the controls in flash and export a .swc.
There are many ways to create buttons with AS3 only. But most are painful - thus the reason that most people just use Flex. There are some lightweight AS3 only frameworks out there that you could also look into like Reflex.
James Ward

Try changing the base class from Sprite to Canvas.
