+1  A: 

Lua, 51 characters

Fixed, will handle 1/4 and 3/4 correctly now.

i=...print((i=="11"or i=="01"or i=="0")and"1"or"0")

This version (64 characters) will handle irregular input (e.g. 000, 010, 11000), and will read from keyboard allowing any length (but still not unbounded).

i=io.read()print((i:find("^0+$")or i:find("^.10*$"))and"1"or"0")
That might be correct if the input were in trinary (base 3), but it's not.
Maybe if it were in base 3 more than just the number 0 would be in the set definable by a base 2 number.
Any finite binary rational will also be a rational in trinary, possibly repeating infinitely. There are also algorithms which do not require a conversion to base 3.
My new approach is that there are only three numbers that do not repeat indefinitely: 0, 1/4, and 3/4.
@ephemient, Lua does not use standard regex. AFAIK parens are only used for captures, not grouping. I used what I could.
Is it true that 0, 1/4, and 3/4 are the only answers?
Jason Orendorff
They are the only members of the Cantor set with finite binary representation. Of course there are infinitely many numbers in the Cantor set with infinite binary representation...
Right, but nobody has posted the proof. :(
Jason Orendorff
I am still waiting for a single (finite) entry which would disprove this.
It basically boils down to: a rational in the Cantor set must be integral when multiplied by some 3^x or 3^x(3^y+1), and the only solutions to 2^n=3^x(3^y+1) are n=1 or n=2.

ok, take #2 now that I've (hopefully) got my addition straight.

It looks like the key here is to do a translation from radix-2 math to radix-3 math with some kind of state machine.

Let's say the input after k bits is some binary decimal. We don't know whether the input has terminated yet or not. Therefore let's say the input number is some number x[k] + an unknown number between 0 and 2-k-1. This interval is either completely outside of the Cantor Set (in which case we return 0), or it is possibly inside the Cantor Set, in which case we continue. Now to figure out if that's codeable as a state machine....

...this seems fiendishly difficult, never mind the code golf aspects of it. I have a rough outline of how to approach, coding a pair of Cantor Set boundaries (e.g. [1/3,2/3] or [1/9,2/9]) as a pair of integers scaled by a number M = 2k3j, and the current input interval as a pair of integers scaled by M, but the numbers seem to be getting larger and larger, so it doesn't seem to lend itself to a finite state machine as far as I can tell. :/

very rough algorithm, in javascript-y pseudocode, no attempt at code size minimization:

var j = 0; // power of 3 we scale to
var k = 0; // power of 2 we scale to
var x0=0, x1=1; // ends of an interval within cantor-set after stage j
var i0=0, i1=1; // ends of the interval containing the input number
// These intervals are [x0,x1] (closed) and [i0,i1) (half-open)

while (1)
    b = get_input_bit(); // (0 or 1), or -1 if input has terminated
    if (b == -1)
    if (b == 0)   // lower half of previous interval
       i1 = i0+i1;
       i0 <<= 1;
    else // upper half of previous interval
       i0 = i0+i1;
       i1 <<= 1;
    x0 <<= 1;
    x1 <<= 1;

    if (i1 <= x0 || i0 > x1)
        // Possible Cantor interval and input interval are disjoint...
        // the entire input interval is outside the Cantor set.
        // Stop and return debugging info.
        return {inSet: false, i0:i0,i1:i1,x0:x0,x1:x1,j:j,k:k};

    // Now to compare input interval with Cantor interval.
    if ((i1-i0)*3 < (x1-x0))
    { // If input interval is less than 1/3 size of Cantor interval, 
      // it can overlap at most 1 subinterval.
      // Figure out which one.

       //scale up by a factor of 3
       i1 *= 3;
       i0 *= 3;
       yB = 2*x1+x0; 
       yA = 2*x0+x1;
       // middle third of the cantor interval = [yA,yB]
       if (i1 <= yB)
           // input interval excludes right third of Cantor interval,
           // so make the left third our new Cantor interval
           x0 = 3*x0;
           x1 = yA;
       else if (i0 > yA)
           // input interval excludes left third of Cantor interval,
           // so make the right third our new Cantor interval
           x0 = yB;
           x1 = 3*x1;
           throw("Algorithm error, I made a horrible mistake");

       // now shift everything over (this algorithm uses relative integers,
       // and does not rely on absolute integers)
       x0 -= i0;
       x1 -= i0;
       i1 -= i0;
       i0 = 0;
// OK, now the input has terminated, and we have to figure out whether 
// the input can be expressed as an infinitely repeating series of 0's or 2's
// in ternary.
// Left as an exercise to the reader, it's late and I have to get to sleep.... 8/
return {inSet: true, i0:i0,i1:i1,x0:x0,x1:x1,j:j,k:k};

I think I have the "return false" case covered... sigh.

Jason S
Obviously I have the advantage of knowing the problem better than the answerers, but I don't think it's *that* difficult... it took me an hour to write a 370-character solution handling both finite and unbounded cases. I'd recommend trying a different approach; also, the finite case is easier, and may be a handy stepping stone.
+2  A: 

Haskell, 291 262 246 characters. Works for arbitrarily large finite input and for infinite input if the answer is 0.

import Ratio
f w a=elem a w||a<1%3&&f(a:w)(a*3)||a>2%3&&f(a:w)(a*3-2)
i a b c=let p=a*3;q=b*3;m=(a+b)/2 in q<1&&i p q c||p>2&&i(p-2)(q-2)c||(p<1&&q>1||p<2&&q>2)&&case c of('0':t)->i a m t;('1':t)->i m b t;_->f[]a
main=interact$show.fromEnum.i 0 1

Here's my previous answer which only worked for finite input:

import Data.Ratio
f w a = let b = a * 3 in
  elem a w || b <= 1 && f (a:w) b || b >= 2 && f (a:w) (b-2)
c = f [0]

t d = sum $ zipWith (%) d $ iterate (* 2) 2
main = getLine >>= print . fromEnum . c . t . map (read . (:[]))

The function c takes a rational number and returns True if it's in the Cantor set. The rest is window dressing.

I concluded that I could safely change [0] to [] (that is, start with an empty set of "fractions we've already seen") and <=/>= to </> (because we will never see an exact 1/3 or 2/3 there).

Jason Orendorff
Perfect solution! You can still shave a few characters off: use pre-Hierarchical `import Ratio` and replace `main=interact$show.fromEnum.i 0 1`, as `interact f = putStr . f =<< getContents` and `0` automatically gets turned into `fromInteger 0 = 0 % 1`.
It looks like `0` defaults to `0.0`, not `0%1`, unfortunately. I have to use `%` somewhere to get `Rational`s.
Jason Orendorff
There, got the desired effect by using `%` someplace where it doesn't cost any characters.
Jason Orendorff
Could possibly be shorter, but this is the only answer so far that properly handles unbounded input.
somebody please explain how this works :-( code-golf is great but not as great as algorithm enlightenment
Jason S
+1  A: 

Perl, 83 char

Evaluates Cantor setness of the floating-point representation of 0.b1b2... from a finite-length command-line argument

$.=1;$./=2,$r+=$_*$.for pop=~/./g;for(0..99){$r-=2if($r*=3)>2;$r>1&&die"0
+3  A: 

C, 142 141 characters

Should handle up to about 52 input characters.

#include <stdio.h>
double v,n=1;d,a=99;main(){for(;(d=getc(stdin))>47;v+=(d-48)*(n/=2))
;do{v=(v>0.5?1-v:v)*3;}while(v<1&&--a>0);return a<1;}

$ echo 0 | ./a.exe ; echo $?
$ echo 1 | ./a.exe ; echo $?
$ echo 11 | ./a.exe ; echo $?
$ echo 10101011 | ./a.exe ; echo $?
$ echo 10101010 | ./a.exe ; echo $?

Edited to not stop iterating when reaching the end of input...

10101011 should return 0.
:( - fixed silly mistake...
+4  A: 

SED - 41 characters

Props to gwell for the idea...


echo "10011" | sed -e 's/^\(0\|11\|01\)0*$/x/;s/[01]\+/0/;s/x/1/'
echo "11000" | sed -e 's/^\(0\|11\|01\)0*$/x/;s/[01]\+/0/;s/x/1/'

My SED sucks - so this can probably be reduced further.

Like my comment to gwell, `s/^\(.1\)\?0*$/x/` This is a clever way to handle the finite case.
I love sed answers.
Robert P

Python, 150 characters

Very naive solution for now (includes unnecessary conversion step to base 10), will focus on shortening it later. Only works for finite inputs.

for i in raw_input():
while 1:
 if m==1:print 0;break
 if n in d:print 1;break