So I just downloaded emacs 23.1 for my new snow leopard macbook pro from and it works like a charm, except...
I have visual customizations in my .emacs, a few lines are extracted here:
(set-background-color "black")
(set-cursor-color "green") (set-default-font "--Lucida Console-normal-r-normal-normal-18--96-96-c-*-iso10646-1")
I also have some key bindings set up, here are a few lines of those
(global-set-key "\C-l" `goto-line)
(global-set-key [(control ?%)] `query-replace-regexp)
The first time I start emacs or open a document with emacs, everything loads perfectly. When I issue a command-N or open another file through finder, a new window opens with the key binding customizations loaded but without the visual customizations (including window size, etc)
I think this has something to do with how emacsclient is being invoked and the emacs server, but despite my avid usage of emacs for development, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to setting up the editor itself outside of .emacs level customization
Here are potential behaviors I would like to achieve when a new window is opened (via command-n or opening a document in finder), in order of preference:
Have the new window create a new emacs process (not just a new buffer) so that I can manage and navigate multiple projects similar to how textmate does it, using one emacs process for each project.
Have those visual customizations be persistent so that each new window loads with the correct sizing, fonts, and colors.
Have each new document open as a buffer within the current active emacs window.
Let me know if you guys can help, thanks!