My problem is on Oracle, but is probably database independent (?).
I have the following tables:
vid cb
--- --
1 10
2 15
vid cb
--- --
3 25
4 24
repid vid p
----- --- --
99 1 aa
99 2 aa
99 3 bb
99 4 bb
The column p indicates in which table to get the row. In reality, aa and bb are much more different, and p does not match to the table name, but gives a way to get there. The example is just a simplication where I have a problem. Note than in reality, there are more than 2 tables aa and bb (there are 6). I want a query that returns this:
repid vid p cb
----- --- -- --
99 1 aa 10
99 2 aa 15
99 3 bb 25
99 4 bb 24
The following works: (a)
select rep.vid, rep.p, cb
from (
select 'aa' as p,vid,cb from aa
union all
select 'bb' as p, vid,cb from bb) u,rep
where rep.p=u.p and rep.vid=u.vid
select rep.vid, rep.p,
decode(rep.p, 'aa', (select cb from aa where vid=rep.vid),
'bb', (select cb from bb where vid=rep.vid)) cb
from rep
But I would like to use the query in a view, on which there can be predicate pushing.
So question 1 is: would the following allow predicate pushing. Question 2: (even if yes for question 1) is there a way to do this without union, but with joins. Question 3: Or just simply, a better way?
Script to create the data:
create table bb (vid number(1), cb number(2));
create table aa (vid number(1), cb number(2));
create table rep(rid number(2), vid number(1), p varchar2(2));
insert into rep (rid,vid,p) values (99, 4,'bb');
insert into rep (rid,vid,p) values (99, 3,'bb');
insert into rep (rid,vid,p) values (99, 2,'aa');
insert into rep (rid,vid,p) values (99, 1,'aa');
insert into bb (vid,cb) values (4,24);
insert into bb (vid,cb) values (3,25);
insert into aa (vid,cb) values (2,15);
insert into aa (vid,cb) values (1,10);