I am writing a little application, which is writing jpeg images at a constant rate on a SD card. I choose an EXT3 filesystem, but the same behaviour was observed with an EXT2 filesystem.
My writing loop looks like this :
Or like this :
I also display some timing statistics, and I can see my program is sometime blocked for several seconds. The average rate is still good, because if I keep the incoming images into a fifo, then I will write many image in a short period of time after such a stall. Do you know if it is a problem with the OS or if it is related to the SD card itself ? How could I move closer to realtime ? I don't need strong realtime, but being stalled for several seconds is not acceptable.
Some precision : Yes it is necessary to fsync after every file, because I want the image to be on disk, not in some user or kernel buffer. Without fsyncing, I have much better throughoutput, but still unacceptable stall. I don't think it is a buffer problem, since the first stall happens after 50 Mbytes have been written. And according to the man page, fsync is here precisely to ensure there is no data buffered.
Precision regarding the average write rate : I am writing at a rate that is sustainable by the card I am using. If I pile incoming image while waiting for an fsync to complete, then after this stall the write transfer rate will increase and I will quickly go back to the average rate. The average transfer rate is around 1.4 MBytes /s.
The systeme is a modern laptop running ubuntu 8.04 with stock kee (