



Are there any good resources for the layout of elements in a form? Possibly large forms as they are common in applications for highly specialised users.

I am talking about choices like:

  • go down in columns first, then right to the nex column vs.
  • go right in rows first, then down to the next row
  • what to do in the presence of especially high and/or wide elements (lists, tables ...)

What aspects are to be considered?

Do the same rules apply for web and conventional rich GUIs?

How does grouping of elements factor in? For example you want the elements concerened with address information stay together.

The perfect answer would take the form of an algorithm producing a reasonable layout for an arbirtrary grouped list of elements to layout.


It depends on the platform what the guidelines are:

These are all excellent reads, especially the one for the platform you develop on.

Patrick Niedzielski
I don't think so. A form where the fields are arranged in a horizontal first fashion, but the user expects vertical first for whatever reason, will irritate the user, indipendent on the platform used.
Jens Schauder
This is true; of course that is an opinion. Granted, the entire post is subjective.
Patrick Niedzielski
+1  A: 

I have also found these sites useful:

Vincent Ramdhanie
+1 for general helpful links on the topic. But I am looking specific for input on how to arange/order elements on a form. Which I couldn't find among the resources.
Jens Schauder
+1  A: 

You should go to your local library and pick up Mullet and Sano's "Designing Visual Interfaces". It is not neccesarily the definitive resource, but I find it worth a read.

I'll take a look at that
Jens Schauder