I'm looking for a simple file format to use for wireframe models. I am aware of VRML, u3D, etc, but these seem heavyweight for my needs. My criterea are:
- Must have a clear spec. Either open or very well established/documented.
- I only need (want) simple models - vertices and edges. I don't want to handle faces or objects. If the format supports more, that's fine so long as I can ignore them.
- End-user tools are not a requirement, but would be great. If not, it must be human readable (and editable for simple models).
- It would be nice (but not necessary) to be able to annotate or at least label nodes.
- It shouldn't matter what language I'm using, but probable options are Java/C++ & OpenGL
Or am I just better writing vertices/edge lists to a text file and be done with it?