In regards to as3 project: Is there a way to inherit the properties of a given DisplayObject? I am looking for a single method that will grab something like the x, y, width, height, color, etc. Whatever is involved in the common classes between the two display objects.
I don't think I was clear enough... Let me give an example of the type of functionality I am looking for.
var sp1:Sprite = new Sprite();
sp1.x = 30;
sp1.y = 30;
sp1.width = 500;
sp1.height = 30;
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();
So, in this case I know that the method 'inheritTransform()' doesn't exist, but I am wondering if there is something similar. Or maybe I am missing the point of extending a class in some way? I don't see how the two would relate in such a case.
Thanks, jml