I have a small class that allows me to load shaders and use them in my program. I am able to compile the shaders, but when it's time to link them, they just don't want to. Using glGetProgramInfoLog I got the following error log. I don't understand why it tells me that there are no program defined since the compilation worked fine...
Vertex info
(0) : error C3001: no program defined
Fragment info
(0) : error C3001: no program defined
The code below does the GLSL linking:
program_ = glCreateProgramObjectARB();
if (vertex_) {
glAttachObjectARB(program_, vertex_);
if (fragment_) {
glAttachObjectARB(program_, fragment_);
vertex_ and fragment_ are the vertex and fragment shader, and program_ is the ProgramObjectARB.
I'd like to know what are the necessary modifications I need to do in order to make this run.
Vertex shader:
varying vec4 OCPosition; // surface positon in world's coordinates
varying vec4 ECposition; // surface position in eye coordinates
varying vec4 ECballCenter; // ball center in eye coordinates
uniform vec4 BallCenter; // ball center in modelling coordinates
void main()
OCPosition = gl_Vertex;
ECposition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * OCPosition;
ECballCenter = gl_ModelViewMatrix * BallCenter;
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * ECposition;
Fragment shader:
varying vec4 OCPosition; // surface position in world coordinates
varying vec4 ECposition; // surface position in eye coordinates
varying vec4 ECballCenter; // ball center in eye coordinates
uniform vec4 LightDir; // light direction, should be normalized
uniform vec4 HVector; // reflection vector for infinite light source
uniform vec4 SpecularColor;
uniform vec4 BaseColor, StripeColor;
uniform float StripeWidth; // = 0.3
uniform float FWidth; // = 0.005
void main()
vec3 normal; // Analytically computed normal
vec4 p; // Point in shader space
vec4 surfColor; // Computed color of the surface
float intensity; // Computed light intensity
vec4 distance; // Computed distance values
float inorout; // Counter for computing star pattern
p.xyz = normalize(OCPosition.xyz); // Calculate p
p.w = 1.0;
distance.y = StripeWidth - abs(p.z);
distance.xy = smoothstep(-FWidth, FWidth, distance.xy);
surfColor = mix(BaseColor, StripeColor, distance.y);
// normal = point on surface for sphere at (0,0,0)
normal = normalize(ECposition.xyz - ECballCenter.xyz);
// Per fragment diffuse lighting
intensity = 0.2; // ambient
intensity += 0.8 * clamp(dot(LightDir.xyz, normal), 0.0, 1.0);
surfColor *= intensity;
// Per fragment specular lighting
intensity = clamp(dot(HVector.xyz, normal), 0.0, 1.0);
intensity = pow(intensity, SpecularColor.a);
surfColor += SpecularColor * intensity;
gl_FragColor = surfColor;
EDIT - SOLUTION It seems the method I used to read the source file was incorrect. The shader would compile, but at linking, it was not working correctly. Now I use this method to read my file and the linking is correct:
char *textFileRead(char *fn) {
FILE *fp;
char *content = NULL;
int count=0;
if (fn != NULL) {
fp = fopen(fn,"rt");
if (fp != NULL) {
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
count = ftell(fp);
if (count > 0) {
content = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (count+1));
count = fread(content,sizeof(char),count,fp);
content[count] = '\0';
return content;