+1  A: 

Instruments does not indicate the line that causes the leak. It indicates the line that allocated memory that later was leaked. Just from the code given (which is obviously not the entire code), I'd suspect that you're leaking serverResponse, which includes memory allocated in the line you've marked. Don't just look at the line that Instruments gives you. What class is leaking? That will give as much hint as the line.

Since you're starting to have trouble with memory management, a suggestion: when you release something, always set it to nil. This will save you a lot of headache and crashes later. In this case I'm talking about json and response:

[json release];
json = nil;

If you have Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2, run the Analyzer (Cmd-Shift-A). It will find most common memory problems automatically.

Rob Napier
Hi Rob Thank you for your response. I'm currently using Leopard and X-Code 3.1.4 if snow leopard more usefull then this, i will upgrade my system asap. On the other hand i have already headache, i tried a lot of things. On the other hand, shall i trust Instruments ? probably i'm looking wrong place of mycode last few days.
By the way, i thought maybe problem coming from SBJSON (i know i know it stupid idea, even everybody using perfectly), then i changed json parser lines to TouchJson, i saw that result same, problem in my code, i'm sure that, but i don't know where. I uploaded my example application to this location : http://hepsikolay.com/MemoryLeakApp.zipCould you download it please ?
And look at to Classes > Controllers > NetworkSelection.m line 33 you will see that line self.networkList = arrayResponse; I suppose problem coming from this line.So, when changed this line to "self.networkList = nil;" It's working, it is not giving any memory leak into the Instruments. Where is the my mistake ? please save my mind.
Rob you are partially right, when i checked all of mycode, i found where is the problem in my project. I'm certainly sure about that, some times Instruments shows different problem source location. I thing every body be careful that.Thank you

There is a tool that is much easier to use than the Instruments. The tool is the Clang Static Analyzer. The website describes how to install and use the tool set. It is so easy to use and very efficient. I use it all the time.

The commands are:

xcodebuild clean
scan-build -k -V xcodebuild

It is really easy to use as the results come up in the web browser! It will catch leaks that Instruments does not catch. This is the tool Apple has integrated in Snow Leopard... it is available to you in Leopard too. Check out the website for directions..

Hope this helps!

iPhone Guy
Hi I already tried your suggestion, but result is same.