



I recently started working in VS2010 and noticed right away that the font I use, Consolas, doesn't pop like it does in VS2008. First I thought my settings didn't get imported, but I checked and Consolas was the default text!

It's a really minor detail, the sort of stuff that Mac users are known for, but on the left is the slightly blurry VS2010 font rendering and on the right is the VS2008 rendering. It really stands out on the legs of the 'm' and any letter with tight spacing.

Anyone know how to correct? Something I can do in Windows7 font rendering?

   VS2010                 VS2008
comparison of text rendering between VS2010 and VS2008

Okay I found the solution. I had to run the ClearType wizard again. The font is stronger, bolder, colors are still the same. Blues and greens are much lighter under GDI. comparison screenshot after the ClearType change

+2  A: 

Looks like differences in your ClearType settings. Are both screen shots from the same PC?

Edit: If Visual Studio 2010 does indeed use WPF internally, the ClearType engine is different and might produce subtly different results. It does however respond to the system-wide ClearType tuner settings. Here's an article that goes into detail:

Mark Ransom
This article is outdated now, because font rendering had a major update in WPF 4 (which VS2010 does indeed use). See
Pavel Minaev
Both screenshots are from the same PC. In fact, the window of VS2008 is ontop and offset to VS2010. At first I was imagining it (dirty screen, dirty glasses, inside lighting, outside sun), but when I started VS2008 and opened a project I saw the difference immediately. The text was just sharper.
Joe Chin