



I am trying to teach someone with no HTML experience how to position an image in a web page using an online HTML Editor (like FCKEditor or Telerik RadEditor) without getting into html and css. They have no interest in learning these.

What are some good ways to position an image wherever they want it to be without touching html and css? Absolute positioning by dragging the image is not a viable ption.

I am thinking of creating an html table with rows and columns and setting the widths and heights of the columns to 'push' the image to where they want it to go but wonder if this is too complicated for a newbie and if there are simpler methods?

+2  A: 

If you have a user that is so non-tech savvy that they can't (or won't) learn enough CSS to set an X and Y coordinate then I would take a different approach to image positioning. Instead of having them set the position, make some CSS classes for the "common" image locations like .imageTopLeft, .imageTopCenter, .imageTopRight, .imageMiddleLeft, .imageMiddleRight, etc.

This way, the user can just pick the image placement from a list instead of actually manipulating the image, CSS or HTML at all.

Mark Ewer
They need to do a rough pixel positioning. I don't understand how css classes would help them position images without them knowing anything about css. There are hundreds of possible positions on a web page.
If they are unwilling or unable to learn how to do pixel positioning, then don't give them a solution that requires pixel positioning. Instead, create a dozen or so "templates" that put the image in a specific location the allow the user to choose the "template".
Mark Ewer

I've faced this situation too and asked almost same question here

if we can't add and teach to add css classes to client then table is the only solution.


I want to share my experience with WYSIWYG tools :
I thought it would be fine to use WYSIWYG tools after learning the basics of HTML and CSS,
then I thought its better to use them once I am familiar with hand coding, only after I have good hold on PIXELS on the page.
After practicing for long period of time, once I tried using Kompozer and Adobe-Dreamweaver, I realized that I would better avoid usage of it.

there are many reasons why one should not use WYSIWYG tools..

  1. Usually these tools insert nested tables for positioning of images and etc.. (which is appreciated at the least)
  2. (Try this) They introduce redundant tags when you try "try and see" method. once, I made text look bigger by clicking on "BIG" button, it introduced <big/> tag, I made it look "strong" clicking on corresponding button, again I made it look smaller, guess what was the corresponding code reflecting..


<small><small><strong><big><big>some text!!</big></big></strong></small></small>

WYSIWYG tools won't get you an efficient code, as it is just a software, it does its best to get you what you see, it may not be perfect method though. Learning HTML and CSS doesn't take much time,

I had started coding within 20-30 days, (not DOM pages, but atleast I had good hold on images and font-design).

infant programmer
Most of us are trying to say is : it is not worth to learn/use WYSIWYG tools, its not good way, unless you know some basics of HTML and CSS, and you have least time available for designing.
infant programmer
Learning Table wouldn't be much difficult.. So you can carry on with teaching them the creation of table, setting the column width .. row height etc .. wouldn't be that complicated. So that they can control positioning of images. If they are upto edit a webpage then having basic knowledge on basic tags like `<p/> <br/> <table> <tr> <td>` would not harm ..
infant programmer