



I've been going through textbook Introduction to Algorithms, and it's pretty much one of the best I've read. However, I'm at the point where it's not a big challenge. It's definitely far above trivial, but there seems to be a difficulty gap (even though it's more advanced that most undergrad tailored texts) between it and books like Concrete Mathematics or Knuth's Algorithm series.

I figure anything much more advanced than Introduction to Algorithms probably won't be in the same survey format, so I'll clarify: I'm looking particularly for books on graph algorithms, computational geometry, dynamic programming, data structures (presumably not just stuff like binary trees, but advanced treatment of things like spatial data structures and advanced hashing algorithms, soft heaps and the like) and tree-searching (A* and the like). Hopefully, however, not quite so intimidating as Knuth's work.

Good Linear and Integer programming recommendations would also be appreciated.

+1  A: 

I would recommend an algorithm encylopedia like "The Algorithm Design Manual." Either that or take a look at the NIST's Algorithm listing.

+1  A: 

I found Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos fits nicely in the gap between CLRS and Concrete Math. You can find the lecture slides here.


Concerning computational geometry:

O'Rourke's Computational Geometry in C is a classic work.

And I also recommend Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications.

Bart Kiers

There's always the gold standard:
