Hi. I want to fetch the machine's serial number key. Does any body help me on how to fetch the machine's serial number?
There is no Cocoa API for this. You have to call into Carbon.
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
NSString* UKSystemSerialNumber()
mach_port_t masterPort;
kern_return_t kr = noErr;
io_registry_entry_t entry;
CFTypeRef prop;
CFTypeID propID;
NSString* str = nil;
kr = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort);
if( kr != noErr )
goto cleanup;
entry = IORegistryGetRootEntry( masterPort );
if( entry == MACH_PORT_NULL )
goto cleanup;
prop = IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry, kIODeviceTreePlane, CFSTR("serial-number"), nil, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
if( prop == nil )
goto cleanup;
propID = CFGetTypeID( prop );
if( propID != CFDataGetTypeID() )
goto cleanup;
const char* buf = [(NSData*)prop bytes];
int len = [(NSData*)prop length],
char secondPart[256];
char firstPart[256];
char* currStr = secondPart; // Version number starts with second part, then NULLs, then first part.
int y = 0;
for( x = 0; x < len; x++ )
if( buf[x] > 0 && (y < 255) )
currStr[y++] = buf[x];
else if( currStr == secondPart )
currStr[y] = 0; // Terminate string.
currStr = firstPart;
y = 0;
currStr[y] = 0; // Terminate string.
str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s%s", firstPart, secondPart];
mach_port_deallocate( mach_task_self(), masterPort );
return str;
The above code comes from here
2009-12-29 06:16:22
Hi. i am getting the following Linking errors while using the above code.1. "_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty", referenced from:2. "_IOMasterPort", referenced from:3. "_IORegistryGetRootEntry", referenced from:4. "_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty", referenced from:5. "_IOMasterPort", referenced from:6. "_IORegistryGetRootEntry", referenced from:i have included the Carbon/Carbon.h, SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h files. How to resolve these errors.
2009-12-29 08:46:05
You will have to add `IOKit` and `Carbon` framework in your project
2009-12-29 09:01:49
Thanks a lot lamamac.It's perfectly working fine.
2009-12-29 10:09:03
Hi. I want to use the value of str outside the function in which it is declared. How to do that?
2009-12-29 11:41:16
It is the return value of `UKSystemSerialNumber()`.
2009-12-29 12:22:35
How to assign that value to other NSString obj. in another function? Pls help me out of this.
2009-12-29 12:27:54
i m using it like this NSString *strSR = [self UKSystemSerialNumber];
2009-12-29 12:29:23
Just call it like a plain C function: `NSString* strSR = UKSystemSerialNumber();`
2009-12-29 12:52:41
This is from Technical Note TN1103
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
// Returns the serial number as a CFString.
// It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned CFString when done with it.
void CopySerialNumber(CFStringRef *serialNumber)
if (serialNumber != NULL) {
*serialNumber = NULL;
io_service_t platformExpert = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault,
if (platformExpert) {
CFTypeRef serialNumberAsCFString =
kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if (serialNumberAsCFString) {
*serialNumber = serialNumberAsCFString;
I'd be careful though, it mentions some caveats about not making any assumptions about the S/N length or anything
2009-12-29 06:20:48
Hi. i am getting the following Linking errors while using the above code. 1. "_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty", referenced from: 2. "_IOMasterPort", referenced from: 3. "_IORegistryGetRootEntry", referenced from: 4. "_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty", referenced from: 5. "_IOMasterPort", referenced from: 6. "_IORegistryGetRootEntry", referenced from: i have included the Carbon/Carbon.h, SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h files. How to resolve these errors.
2009-12-29 08:46:43