




Hi everyone, I'm working on an openGL project and have chosen to use GLUI for my interface. Was just wondering if anyone knows how to hide the command line / shell when running?


+1  A: 

If you are using Visual Studio and C++ on Windows you can use the solution posted in the GLUT FAQ, question 36:

A36: Try using the following Microsoft Visual C compiler flags:


These are linker options... if main or wmain are defined, MSVC build a CONSOLE app by default; hence the need for /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS. if /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS is defined, MSVC expects WinMain or wWinMain to be defined; hence the need to /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup (eg the entry point is the usual C main).

Fantastic cheers!If anyone else has this problem using VS:Project - Properties - Configuration Properties - Linker - System. Change Subsystem parameter from Console to Windows.Then Linker - Command Line - Additional Options - /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup
Laurence Dawson