Hi everyone, I'm working on an openGL project and have chosen to use GLUI for my interface. Was just wondering if anyone knows how to hide the command line / shell when running?
Hi everyone, I'm working on an openGL project and have chosen to use GLUI for my interface. Was just wondering if anyone knows how to hide the command line / shell when running?
If you are using Visual Studio and C++ on Windows you can use the solution posted in the GLUT FAQ, question 36:
A36: Try using the following Microsoft Visual C compiler flags:
These are linker options... if main or wmain are defined, MSVC build a CONSOLE app by default; hence the need for
is defined, MSVC expects WinMain or wWinMain to be defined; hence the need to/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup
(eg the entry point is the usual C main).