I'm trying to extend a class like panel so that I can fire click events only when the title area is clicked on. The title area is a protected uicomponent of Panel called titleBar. So I want to make that component public.
It seems like I'm almost there but I'm getting a "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." when it tries to add an event listener to the titlebar.
here is my extended panel
package custClass{
import mx.containers.Panel;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class ExtPanel extends Panel{
[Bindable] public var TitleBar:UIComponent;
public function DragPanel(){
TitleBar = super.titleBar;
Here is a trimmed version of the AS I'm calling in my function that is creating a new panel:
var newPanel:ExtPanel = new ExtPanel ();
The error is pointing to the last line. What am I missing?
Edit: Per the answer below I am now trying this:
package custClass{
import mx.containers.Panel;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class extPanel extends Panel{
public function extPanel(){
public function getTitleBar():UIComponent{
return this.titleBar;
And then this in the AS:
Still getting the same error. This is totally new ground for me, what is my next step?