I'm implementing a simple camera system in OpenGL. I set up gluPerspective under the projection matrix and then use gluLookAt on the ModelView matrix. After this I have my main render loop which checks for keyboard events and, if any of the arrow keys are pressed, modifies angular and forward speeds (I only rotate through the y axis and move through the z (forwards)). Then I move the view using the following code (deltaTime is the amount of time since the last frame was rendered in seconds, in order to decouple movement from framerate):
//place our camera
newTime = RunTime(); //get the time since app start
deltaTime = newTime - time; //get the time since the last frame was rendered
time = newTime;
glRotatef(view.angularSpeed*deltaTime,0,1,0); //rotate
glTranslatef(0,0,view.forwardSpeed*deltaTime); //move forwards
//draw our vertices
//swap buffers
Then the code loops around again. My draw algorithm begins with a glPushMatrix() and ends in a glPopMatrix().
Each call to glRotatef() and glTranslatef() pushes the view forwards by the forwards speed in the direction of view.
However when I run the code, my object is drawn in the correct place, but when I move the movement is done with the orientation of the world origin (0,0,0 - facing along the Z axis) as opposed to the local orientation (where I'm pointing) and when I rotate, the rotation is done about (0,0,0) and not the position of the camera.
I end up with this strange effect of my camera orbiting (0,0,0) as opposed to rotating on the spot.
I do not call glLoadIdentity() at all anywhere inside the loop, and I am sure that the Matrix Mode is set to GL_MODELVIEW for the entire loop.
Another odd effect is if I put a glLoadIdentity() call inside the draw() function (between the PushMatrix and PopMatrix calls, the screen just goes black and no matter where I look I can't find the object I draw.
Does anybody know what I've messed up in order to make this orbit (0,0,0) instead of rotate on the spot?
Thanks in advance for all of your help,