Question: How do you set the binding for a ComboBox's Selected items to one property and the items list to a different property?
I have an inventory program I'm working on for my company which is aimed mostly at the people who receive shipments as they come in. I have things set up so that there is a list of shipments on one side of the screen. when they select one of these all the information on the shipment is displayed so it can be edited. one bit of information is the person who received the shipment. I want it so that when they click the shipment, obviously the user who received the shipment is the one who pops up in the combo box. but i want the combo box to contain the list of all the other users.
This wouldn't be to hard if it weren't for the fact that I'm pulling the list of users from a database. the list box has a data template for pulling the proper information out of the list of user data types. what I've tried so far is to have a collection view in the viewmodel that the combo box binds to for its list, then a seperate property which is a single user instance that comes with the shipment data type.
I'm programing in Visual Basic and XAML according to the M-V-VM programing model.