For a a single developer working on multiple projects that are at least somehow related to each other, it might in fact make sense to start working with one big repository, as you can easily switch and branch things.
If however one or more of the projects are likely candidates for a later separation - e.g. if a team is likely to start working on them - consider keeping projects separate from the start. That way, you have a clean version history per project. (i.e. a history not mixed with other projects' commits. You can always filter out stuff with the dump tools, but I find it way more convenient not to have to.)
Also, if one or more of your works is likely to become Open Source one day, having a clean version history is nice because social coding sites like ohloh scrutinize your commits, and add to the project's activity stats, and your profile's expertise if they detect actual commits made by you in the past. Not really important and not really telling about any hard facts, but still nice to have.
Brian Agnew makes a number of very good additional points in favour of separation in his answer.
You shouldn't have security problems when working with one big repo, as you can do path-based authentication in Subversion if people start coming on board working on the repositories.
You will, however, have to mark each commit with the project it is related to, in order to make sense out of the commit messages later.