



Gurus out there:

The differential equations for modeling spacecraft motion can be described in terms of a collection of acceleration terms:

d2r/dt2 =  a0 + a1 + a2 + ... + an

Normally a0 is the point mass acceleration due to a body (a0 = -mu * r/r^3); the "higher order" terms can be due to other planets, solar radiation pressure, thrust, etc.

I'm implementing a collection of algorithms meant to work on this sort of system. I will start with Python for design and prototyping, then I will move on to C++ or Fortran 95.

I want to design a class (or metaclass) which will allow me to specify the different acceleration terms for a given instance, something along the lines of:

# please notice this is meant as "pseudo-code"
def some_acceleration(t):
    return (1*t, 2*t, 3*t)

def some_other_acceleration(t):
    return (4*t, 5*t, 6*t)

S = Spacecraft()
S.Acceleration += someacceleration + some_other_acceleration

In this case, the instance S would default to, say, two acceleration terms and I would add a the other two terms I want: some acceleration and some_other_acceleration; they return a vector (here represented as a triplet). Notice that in my "implementation" I've overloaded the + operator.

This way the algorithms will be designed for an abstract "spacecraft" and all the actual force fields will be provided on a case-by-case basis, allowing me to work with simplified models, compare modeling methodologies, etc.

How would you implement a class or metaclass for handling this?

I apologize for the rather verbose and not clearly explained question, but it is a bit fuzzy in my brain.



I would use instead some library which can work with vectors (in python, try numpy) and represent the acceleration as vector. Then, you are not reinventing the wheel, the + operator works like you wanted. Please correct me if I misunderstood your problem.

It's not so much how to represent the force field (I would use a viable Vector package) but how to define the actual equations that model the force field.

For those who would like to avoid numpy and do this in pure python, this may give you a few good ideas. I'm sure there are disadvantages and flaws to this little skit also. The "operator" module speeds up your math calculations as they are done with c functions:

from operator import sub, add, iadd, mul
import copy

class Acceleration(object):
   def __init__(self, x, y, z):
      super(Acceleration, self).__init__()
      self.accel = [x, y , z]
      self.dimensions = len(self.accel)

   def x(self):
      return self.accel[0]

   def x(self, val):
      self.accel[0] = val

   def y(self):
      return self.accel[1]

   def y(self, val):
      self.accel[1] = val

   def z(self):
      return self.accel[2]

   def z(self, val):
      self.accel[2] = val

   def __iadd__(self, other):
      for x in xrange(self.dimensions):
         self.accel[x] = iadd(self.accel[x], other.accel[x])
      return self

   def __add__(self, other):
      newAccel = copy.deepcopy(self)
      newAccel += other
      return newAccel

   def __str__(self):
      return "Acceleration(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.accel[0], self.accel[1], self.accel[2])

   def getVelocity(self, deltaTime):
      return Velocity(mul(self.accel[0], deltaTime), mul(self.accel[1], deltaTime), mul(self.accel[2], deltaTime))

class Velocity(object):
   def __init__(self, x, y, z):
      super(Velocity, self).__init__()
      self.x = x
      self.y = y
      self.z = z

   def __str__(self):
      return "Velocity(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   accel = Acceleration(1.1234, 2.1234, 3.1234)
   accel += Acceleration(1, 1, 1)
   print accel

   accels = []
   for x in xrange(10):
      accel += Acceleration(1.1234, 2.1234, 3.1234)

   vel = accel.getVelocity(2)
   print "Velocity of object with acceleration %s after one second:" % (accel)
   print vel

prints the following:

Acceleration(2.1234, 3.1234, 4.1234)

Velocity of object with acceleration Acceleration(13.3574, 24.3574, 35.3574) after one second: Velocity(26.7148, 48.7148, 70.7148)

You can get fancy for faster calculations:

def getFancyVelocity(self, deltaTime):
   from itertools import repeat
   x, y, z = map(mul, self.accel, repeat(deltaTime, self.dimensions))
   return Velocity(x, y, z)
Thanks for your solution, but it only provides means to add vectors and a method for approximating their integral. What I meant was a way to define the mathematical representation of the field (acceleration, in this case) but probably my question was not clear enough. I will rephrase it soon... Thanks again.

Are you asking how to store an arbitrary number of acceleration sources for a spacecraft class?

Can't you just use an array of functions? (Function pointers when you get to c++)


#pseudo Python
class Spacecraft
    terms = []
    def accelerate(t):
       a = (0,0,0)
       for func in terms:
         a+= func(t)

s = Spacecraft
ac = s.accelerate(t)