I'm tasked with creating a web service that will be used by several different developers using different platforms, working for different companies, and having greatly varying skill levels. As such, I would like to create documentation for this web service API that is both complete, and very easy to understand. Although I'm sure this is a noble goal that all documentation projects attempt to achieve, I have not found the best set of tools and/or workflows to help my project get there.
What tools and techniques do you find most useful in creating great API documentation?
Do you find auto-generating documentation tools sufficient to provide end users with all the information they need to use your services?
Do you find Wiki-based tools easy and fast enough to maintain up-to-date documentation of your API?
Have you found any tools or techniques that provide the "best of both worlds" - automation as well as flexibility? Do any tools exist that simplify the process of documentation multiple versions of an API?