





How to recreate an rpm which is already installed on a system on linux.



Basically you will have to do the following:

1] Create a .spec file with all the headers [ http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-build-creating-spec-file.html ]

You will have to use the rpm -q --queryformat "" to get the header from the already installed rpm. Eg. rpm -q --queryformat "Release: %{RELEASE}\n" installed_rpm

For getting the files to fill the %files Section use the rpm -ql command.

2] run rpmbuild -bb specfile to generate the rpm file.

Gautam Borad
There is a option of recreating it.I was thinking something like that
AFAIK there is no such option. But if you find one please let me know also.
Gautam Borad

Best way to recreate an RPM, is to do it from the source RPM. Great tutorial here.

+2  A: 

What version of RPM are you using? If you're using a newer one, I have a trick that might work for you.

Newer versions of RPM have a transaction safe rollback option; simply use the --repackage command, and it'll generate a package that includes all the idiosyncratic crap of the original install. Mind you, you'll have to actually DO something (e.g rpm -e --repackage rpm_goes_here which will ERASE the original, while making a package which you SHOULD be able to restore (after you've made a copy), but if you expect this to work perfectly, I have a BRIDGE you might want to buy), so it's a bit of a leap of faith if you don't have a full backup.

There is some configuration involved, and you need to test test test before you try this on something critical, but this may work.
