Using Netbeans I once checked out a project from a SVN repository, just to test SVN functions in Netbeans.
Now, everytime I create a new project, or open an existing project not under source control, Netbeans "thinks" is under version control in that repository I was playing with.
How can I tell Netbeans to forget everything about that SVN repository I once used, so I can work on some small trivial applcation completely locally, without interacting with any version control repository. But without uninstalling Netbeans SVN plug-in so I can use for some other projects.
Edit: By "Netbeans "thinks" is under version control in that repository" I mean the following:
- In the project tree view a blue icon is shown next to almost all packages/objects
- Object names appear in green
- The tooltip on packages says "Contains new, modified or deleted files or properties"
- The tooltip on object says "Locally modified"
- SVN options to commit changes in the Team menu are available.
If I disable the SVN plugin, then all the above symptoms are gone.
On the other hand, I couldn't find any .svn subdirectory and no reference to svn in <%APPDATA%>/.netbeans/6.7/