



I want to make my application compatible with as2, so I think what I want to do is only use the features that as2 provides, how to specify the compiler or source code that I only use the features in as2?

+6  A: 

AS3 and AS2 are not compatible. You have to choose whether you use AS3 or AS2 in your project. However, currently, there is almost no point in writing new projects in AS2, because Flash Player 9 reaches 99% penetration rates, according to Adobe

So, start a new project in AS2 only if you desperately need it for some reason. In all other cases AS3 is your weapon of choice.

Yes, I have the reason to use AS2, you didn't answer my question how to use it instead AS3 :)
Bin Chen
In that case you need to develop your project in AS2. You can do it either in Flash Professional IDE (not in Flex/Flash Builder), or using open-source AS2 compiler mtasc and develop in your editor of choice, like FlashDevelop.
+1  A: 

flex means only AS3 and higher. AS2 was earlier use inf flash for code behind. now even flash supports AS3 and as said earlier answers Adobe Virtual Machine for AS3 which is adobe flash 9 plugin/activex is widely deployed and you may no more need AS2
