As kajyr says, if it's a DisplayObjectContainer you can check for numChildren.
If you want to check if a generic objects contains simple properties ( primitives like Number,int, uint, String, Boolean ) or complex properties (subObjects, instances of some class ) that you might regards as children to that generic object, you do the following:
var testObj:Object = {id:1,name:'DumDum'};
var testObj2:Object = {id:2,name:'NumNum',data:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],somethingComplex:{firstName:'Num',lastName:'Num'}};
trace(isSimple(testObj).length == 0);//prints true
trace(isSimple(testObj2).length == 0);//prints false
function isSimple(obj:*):Array{
var complex:Array = [];
for(var prop in obj){
if(!(obj[prop] is String || obj[prop] is int || obj[prop] is uint || obj[prop] is Number || obj[prop] is Boolean))
complex.push({prop: obj[prop]});
return complex;
If you want to get the number of members (variables associated with an object), that is easy enough to get:
var Ob:Object = {};
trace(getMembersNum(Ob));//prints 2
function getMembersNum(obj:*):int{
var result:int = 0;
for(var prop in obj) result++;
return result;
You would write this in your utility package/class maybe like this:
public static function get numMembers(obj:*):int{
var result:int = 0;
for(var prop in obj) result++;
return result;