I did the following in an svn working copy I had:
sheep@sheepbox# gvim Dual_On_Off_Model.h
sheep@sheepbox# gvim Dual_On_Off_Model.cpp
(... made the files, saved them ...)
sheep@sheepbox# svn add Dual_On_Off_Model.*
sheep@sheepbox# svn st
M Multiple_On_Off_Model.h
A Dual_On_Off_Model.h
A Dual_On_Off_Model.cpp
sheep@sheepbox# rm Dual_On_Off_Model.* <- Stupid on my part, but discovered
<- I didn't need the class
So later:
sheep@sheepbox# svn st
M Multiple_On_Off_Model.h
! Dual_On_Off_Model.h
! Dual_On_Off_Model.cpp
sheep@sheepbox# svn commit
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: '/home/sheep/src/secret_project_x/trunk/superduperd/Dual_On_Off_Model.h' is
scheduled for addition, but is missing
Basically, I deleted the files from my working copy without using svn rm, and now svn is mad because it can't find the files.
Since I don't need Dual_On_Off_Model.* and they have now gone to the big HDD in the sky, is there a way I can use a Jedi mind trick on the working copy to have it stop yelling at me?