



I'm having trouble getting MediaPlayer to be resiliant when streaming from a HTTP URL.

If I start playing the file, but then drop the connection (e.g. airplane mode), MediaPlayer#OnErrorListener generates what=1, extra=-17; and then shortly afterwards what=-38, extra=0. There's no documentation I can see in the APIs of what this denotes, except extra is "Typically implementation dependant". I'm using a HTC Hero (well, it's T-Mobile UK's G2 Touch).

Do other people get the same values and is it safe to catch these values as meaning the connection's gone?

How can I best resume when the connection reappears? (save the current seek to preferences, and retry every 5 seconds?)

How do I know when the device has decided to start playing what it's been buffering - is there a callback (other than polling isPlaying())?

Additionally, I'm not entirely sure what onBufferingUpdate provides. I'm using a 40minute podcast MP3 (64kbps bitrate) - buffering goes 1%, 2%, 3%. When I seek to about 30mins in, it shows 75%, then when I seek back to the start back to 5% - what is the point of this callback other than showing approproximately what is cached?

Finally - is there any way to pipe what's streamed to an MP3?